Bebras Computing Challange 2024

The Bebras Computing Challenge aims to promote computational thinking and problem-solving skills among students of all ages.

What is Bebras Computing Challenge?

Bebras Computing Challenge (or Computing Beaver) is an international initiative that aims to promote computing and computational thinking among students.

This challenge is designed to help students explore their talents and passion for computing and computational thinking through engaging puzzles and challenges.

After last year's tremendous success, the Bebras Computing Challenge will be organized again this year in over 350 schools in the country.

How does the Bebras Challenge work and who can be involved?

The Bebras Computing Challenge will be held on 11-22 November, 2025. In this challenge, students between the ages of 8 and  18 will solve a series of tasks that focus on different topics and skills from the field of computing and algorithmic and computational thinking. Students will have 35 minutes to complete as many tasks as they can.

To keep things exciting and challenging for all students, the challenge is organized into five different age categories:

  • Beavers (ages 8-10, grades 3/4)
  • The Benjamins (ages 10-12, grades 5/6)
  • Cadets (ages 12-14, grades 7/8) 
  • Juniors (ages 14-16, grade 9/10)
  • Seniors (ages 16-18, grade 11/12)

Structure of the Bebras Challenge

Each category of the Bebras challenge will have 9 tasks, divided into three different levels of difficulty (easy-medium-hard) with 3 tasks for each level. The total number of points that can be achieved in the Bebras Computing Challenge is 81.

Table of assessment rules:




No answer


+6 points

  -2 points

0 points


+9 points

-3 points

0 points


+12 points

-4 points

0 points

Organization of the Bebras Challenge

Download the document to learn more about the Bebras Computing Challenge.

Click here!

Applications will open in October.